Announcing the Launch of the Bantwana Regional Network!

  The Bantwana Initiative is pleased to announce that it is transitioning to local leadership through the new, independent Bantwana Regional Network. The Network brings together Bantwana Initiative national organizations…

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Olinda and Katya stand and pose for a photo with some of the girls they mentor through DREAMS IC in Mozambique.

Transforming Trauma into Teachable Opportunities

Research shows that mentoring programs are an effective tool for empowering adolescent girls and young women. Mentor-mentee relationships provide safe spaces for girls and young women to begin to develop…  Read More

Photo of three beneficiaries participating in a Stop the Bus event in Zimbabwe. Photo by Joshua Kumunda.

Retaining Girls in School: Bantwana’s Early Warning System Identifies Adolescents at Risk of Dropping Out

Across sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls and young women are among the most vulnerable: they are at the front lines of the HIV epidemic, suffer disproportionately from sexual violence and harmful…  Read More

Waiswa and Samalie in front of their home in Uganda.

Building Resilience Helps Ugandan Families Overcome Violence

When Godfrey Waiswa, 46, retired from being a driver for the government due to ill-health, he had no other source of income. Too weak to farm and with no savings,…  Read More

Vana Bantwana Beneficiary at a Health Assessment Day run by Bantwana in Zimbabwe.

U.S. Government program improves lives of 600,000 orphans and vulnerable children

Originally posted by the US Embassy in Zimbabwe on November 29, 2018. Harare, 29 November, 2018 – Today at Golden Conifer in Harare, the United States celebrated the Vana Bantwana program together…  Read More

Mbonisi Tshuma, WEI/Bantwana Malawi Team Lead, poses with campaign participants at the launch of the 16 Days of Activism in Malawi.

Bantwana Participates in 16 Days of Activism Launch in Malawi

Our team in Malawi joined our partner, EngenderHealth, at the 16 Days of Activism campaign in Blantyre over the weekend. The event was launched by UNWomen, Action Aid, and the…  Read More