Our Partnerships

As members of a network, we do our best work through partnerships – with communities, clinics, governments, local CBOs, faith-based partners, affinity/advocacy networks, research institutes, the private sector, and local and international NGOs. We are committed to delivering results through relationship-building and partner collaboration.

Bantwana partnerships are driven by our core values of programmatic excellence, innovation and collaboration. We specialize in strengthening capacity to develop the systems and competence to deliver results-based programming, providing technical leadership across the following sub-sectors. Our expertise in the following areas has been built from over nearly 20 years of work—as part of the Bantwana Initiative of World Education as well as independently: 

  • Comprehensive programing for vulnerable children and adolescents
  • Improving HIV outcomes from birth through adolescence
  • Preventing and responding to violence against children (VAC) including child sexual abuse (CSA)
  • Systems strengthening of social welfare systems and workforces, including case management
  • Educating and empowering adolescent girls and young women (AGYW)
  • Preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV)
  • Bolstering household economic resilience 
  • Applying low- and high-tech digital platforms and tools for child and social protection

Adaptable, Regionally Rooted Models

As locally incorporated entities, all three network members independently receive and manage national, bilateral, and multilateral funds, working in partnership with other local NGOs, INGOs, research institutes, and community partners. All three country teams have worked with each other—supporting new project concepts, seconding staff, and co-developing project and monitoring tools. Case-management, economic strengthening, and girls’ education models have been piloted and expanded in each country and then expanded to other Bantwana affiliated programs, including those in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia.

South-to-South Regional Technical Assistance

Each network member is able to respond to requests from governments, donors, and development partners. This promotes a south-to-south flow of skills transfer from Bantwana experts across East and Southern Africa. Both country affiliates provide direct-to-government technical and systems strengthening support and scaling up of proven models.

Systems Strengthening at National and Community Level

Our country teams offer a deep bench of experts who have spent years developing the organizational and technical capacities of local partners. We have a track record of helping strengthen management systems, governance, and program quality. Supported organizations have transitioned to receive and manage direct funding from the U.S. Government and other large donors.