South-to-South Regional Technical Assistance
Bantwana has a long history fielding technical assistance in response to requests from governments, donors, and partners across East and Southern Africa to strengthen integrated service delivery and case management systems, develop and operationalize policies, and support adoption of Bantwana models or best practices.
With a regional hub based in Zimbabwe, Bantwana is able to field regional experts to provide south-to-south technical assistance (TA) to local partners and governments working in health, education, social protection, economic empowerment, girl and child rights for vulnerable children and youth.
Working through consultancy and contract mechanisms, the regional hub is specifically set up to provide on-demand short-term or longer-term TA. Our pool of regional staff and consultants can also provide technical, financial, or organizational capacity development for local NGOs in the region. Subject matter and technical experts are fielded by the regional team, country teams, our consultant roster, or in partnership with Bantwana’s local affiliates in Eswatini and Zimbabwe.
Since 2021, the regional hub has:
Worked with the Government of Zimbabwe’s Department of Social Development to capacitate its workforce to provide child protection in emergencies (CPiE) such as COVID-19 and climate-related disasters, and to utilize the MIS for the national case management system (developed by Bantwana).
Developed a school-community case management system to boost adolescent girls’ education retention under the Zambian Ministry of Education’s Keeping Girls in School program, funded by the World Bank’s Girls Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods (GEWEL) initiative.
Trained and coached CDC and USAID DREAMS partners in the Siyakha Girls economic strengthening model in 7 countries across the region: Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia.
Organized and led webinars for USAID missions, donor, NGO, and private sector audiences on Bantwana’s PEPFAR-approved Siyakha Girls Model, a market-linked approach to economic empowerment.