Category Archives: Mozambique
Safeguarding children, youth and vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic
The social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt in communities [...]
Inclusive Mentorship to Promote the Rights and Wellbeing of Girls with Disabilities
After obtaining a degree in educational psychology with a focus in social work, Dorca learned [...]
New Bantwana Website Provides Information and Resources on Assisting Vulnerable Children
The Bantwana Initiative of World Education announces the launch of its newly designed website at [...]
Bantwana’s Year in Review – 2018
In 2018, we coordinated services for over 300,000 children and their families through 21 programs [...]
Transforming Trauma into Teachable Opportunities
Research shows that mentoring programs are an effective tool for empowering adolescent girls and young [...]
Building Social Capital of People Living with HIV/AIDS through VSLA Groups
I am Catarina Eurico, a 45-year-old mother of five children. I began volunteering within my community back in [...]
Early Childhood Development: A Family Entry Point to Access Social Services
My name is Emilia Jorge Milione. In 2012, my 3-year-old, twin daughters were enrolled in a [...]
Entering a Skilled Girls Force: Day of the Girl
In the small district of Temeke in Tanzania, the beautician sisters’ duo is so high [...]
Community Case Workers: A Critical Source of HIV-related Information for Communities
My name is Anjo Francisco and I volunteer at ANDA as a lead case manager for [...]
Delivering Health and Social Services in Beria City, Mozambique
WEI/Bantwana and partners delivered 5,642 health and social services during a One-Stop event in Beira [...]