Together for Girls: Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Program

Comprehensive community Gender-Based Violence prevention and response in order to build up girls’ social assets as a way of preventing abuse and provide post-GBV services.






2013 - 2018

Nearly half of Zimbabwean girls have experienced physical violence and one-third have faced sexual violence. In addition to the implications for young girls, gender-based violence (GBV) has had a significant impact on Zimbabwe’s social and economic development. We worked closely with Zimbabwe’s Department of Child Welfare and Probation services to develop and deliver key programming efforts to target these issues. Through our Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Program, we supported local Zimbabwean organizations and government officials to prevent and respond to GBV against adolescent girls.

Key prevention activities included:
  • Integrating GBV and sexual abuse prevention material into relevant curriculum and program activities for girls and boys clubs at secondary schools and community-based centers for out-of-school youth.
  • Training teachers in psychosocial support (PSS) and child rights so they can respond to GBV-related issues in school.
  • Family clubs address the roots of GBV by engaging men in discussions about harmful cultural norms, such as child marriage and widow inheritance.
  • Utilizing radio broadcasts and SMS messaging to further spread awareness about gender equality and GBV.
Key response activities included:
  • Advocating for legal changes that allow certified nurses to become sexual assault nurse examiners, expanding survivors’ ability to access services despite Zimbabwe’s shortage of nurses.
  • Supporting GBV survivors with psychosocial and medical assistance.
  • Providing legal representation, transport, food, and accommodation to children and their caregivers’ lengthy legal process involved in reporting instances in GBV.
  • Organizing our Stop the Bus approach; a mobile one-stop-shop that combines awareness-raising and demand generation for GBV services, with on-the-spot linkages to medical, legal, and counseling support for survivors.
  • Developing community resources maps so that survivors and their families can find support services.
  • Working closely with Zimbabwe’s Department of Child Welfare and Probation Services to establish community safe places for abused children and train traditional leaders to guide GBV survivors to the justice systems.