Tag Archives: orphans and vulnerable children
The Case for Strengthening the Social Service Workforce to End AIDS in Children
The Bantwana Initiative applauds the implicit call in a recent New York Times article, Global [...]
Apollo’s Story – Solving Gender-Based Violence
Demonstrating Empathy and Being an Example: How a Project Para-Social Worker Supports Better Outcomes From [...]
Bantwana to Support Implementation of New Locally Led Projects in Mozambique
Bantwana is pleased to announce the award of two new USAID-funded projects that will reduce [...]
Engaging Caregivers as Allies in Adolescents’ Health and Wellbeing
by Edton Babu Ndyabahika, Youth Sector Head, WEI/Bantwana, Uganda. As I write this blog about [...]
U.S. Government program improves lives of 600,000 orphans and vulnerable children
Originally posted by the US Embassy in Zimbabwe on November 29, 2018. Harare, 29 November, [...]
Delivering Health and Social Services in Beria City, Mozambique
WEI/Bantwana and partners delivered 5,642 health and social services during a One-Stop event in Beira [...]
Delivery of Health and Social Services to Vulnerable Communities in Mozambique
The estimated HIV adult prevalence rate in Manica, Mozambique, is 13.5% (IMASIDA). Among other things, [...]