Thulani Earnshaw

Executive Director Bantwana Eswatini

A true champion of the vulnerable, Thulani Earnshaw’s technical expertise, communication skills and cultural competency elevate his approach to development and progress working hand-in-hand with communities. As Country Director for Bantwana Eswatini since 2007, Thulani has led project teams to achieve far-reaching impact—at the level of child and family as well as of systems and processes, in an often-challenging operating environment.

He brings a combination of strategic vision and inclusive leadership to initiatives in livelihoods, youth development, economic strengthening, and comprehensive service delivery for vulnerable children and households in Eswatini. Recognized for his achievements in economic strengthening for HIV/AIDS-affected communities, Thulani has time and again demonstrated the ability to establish collaborative partnerships with government—the Ministries of Education and Health, in particular—as well as civil society and private partners. And, in this process, he has enhanced the mobilization of essential yet under-represented community stakeholders and traditional leaders to lead OVC care and support and gender equity and human rights efforts.

Thulani’s ability to successfully implement and manage large multi-sectoral community development programs—as well as smaller, scalable pilot projects—can be attributed to his commitment to program innovation and local stakeholder participation, rigorous monitoring and evaluation, and strong advocacy skills. Thanks to Thulani’s dedication and determination in building a competent and committed team, as well an effective board, Bantwana Eswatini is today successfully implementing a range of programs directly funded by both regional and international donors.