Designing and Developing a Comprehensive Case Management Framework

Leveraging Bantwana’s innovations and best practices across the region, we developed a context-specific, integrated Case Management Framework to help keep vulnerable Zambian girls in school.







World Education/Bantwana provided technical assistance under the Keeping Girls in School component of the World Bank-funded Girls’ Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods (GEWEL) project in Zambia. The 10-month consultancy to Design and Develop a Comprehensive Case Management Framework for the Ministry of General Education established the groundwork for coordinated service delivery to retain vulnerable adolescent girls in secondary school through school- and community-based case management. The system takes a two-pronged prevention-and-response approach that includes:

  • On the prevention side, an early warning system that detects risk factors and identify girls most at risk of dropping out of school;
  • On the response side, an approach that facilitates delivery of wraparound educational, financial, and social protection services to support education retention and/or re-enrollment of at-risk and out-of-school girls.

Drawing from our regional systems strengthening work, including the flagship National Case Management System in Zimbabwe, the Bantwana team designed a context-specific, responsive case management model informed by an in-depth assessment of Zambia’s existing policies, strategies, and structures. In close consultation with the government’s Case Management Working Group and key stakeholders, we drafted an initial framework, which was workshopped with representatives from local, district, and national level. These deliberations informed Bantwana’s production of a detailed Case Management Operations Manual, with procedures and tools to be used by education officials in rolling out comprehensive case management to support the KGS program.


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Country Director