Bantwana Early Childhood Development (ECD) Program

We established and strengthened the quality of ECD services for vulnerable children in eSwatini.






2011 - 2014

Global evidence suggests that early childhood development (ECD) programs are one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of poverty and inequality. The Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini considers ECD a growing priority but a lot of work remains to expand access to ECD services and improve service quality among existing providers.

We established and strengthened the quality of ECD services for vulnerable children in the Lubombo region of Eswatini through the following efforts:

  • Trained teachers and instructors from community preschools and National Care Points. We introduced globally recognized child development concepts and stages of development and helped teachers to understand vulnerable children’s needs by encouraging them to employ exercises like play, dance, singing, and other age-appropriate learning activities into their curriculum.
  • Developed a Teacher’s Handbook for Early Childhood Care and Education, which continues to provide teachers with information on age-appropriate ECD themes.
  • Supported the Ministry of Education and Training to develop national ECD standards and a formal ECD syllabus that are used as guides for ECD centers across the country.
  • Established a basic linkage and referral system between community preschools and health care services for vulnerable children and families.
  • Engaged parents, local government officials, and traditional leaders in community sensitization activities that promote ECD programs.