Better Outcomes for Children and Youth in Eastern and Northern Uganda

Building Resilience and National Systems to prevent and Respond to Violence against children and HIV in Uganda.






2015 - 2021

Implemented across 23 districts, Better Outcomes for Children and Youth in Eastern and Northern Uganda (BOCY) bettered the lives of more than 135,000 highly vulnerable HIV-infected and -affected children and their families.

In alignment with UNICEF’s INSPIRE framework, BOCY strengthened the agency and capacity of individuals and institutions to reduce the threat and impact of HIV and violence against children. The project’s family-centered service models helped vulnerable children and their caregivers prevent and respond to the risks and realities of violence and HIV while moving them along a path toward economic and social stability. Collaborative capacity development supported partner civil society organizations (CSOs) and local government to coordinate child protection, health, and education services within an integrated referral network and case management system. And a team of 1,850 para-social workers trained by the project in HIV-sensitive case management delivered the services.

Through complementary DREAMS program activities, Bantwana also built the agency and assets of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW)– helping them stay in school and act as change agents in addressing negative gender and power dynamics, early marriage, teen pregnancy, HIV infection, and gender-based violence.

WEI/Bantwana is proud to have worked with a core group of five local partners (AVSI, SOS, mothers2mothers, AIC, and MUCOBADI) as well as with government and private sector entities in implementing BOCY.


Our Impact


Improved economic and social resilience among families

Improved economic stability for 21,716 families, enabling them to keep children in school, eat regular meals, and access important HIV and health services. BOCY services helped cut by more than half the number of families living in destitution — from 1,352 to 698.

Parents infographicsStrengthened positive parenting skills among 66,031 caregivers and adolescents: The project has helped reshape family bonds and communication, reducing the risk of violence and HIV and enhancing disclosure, treatment adherence, and viral load suppression.

Delivered comprehensive early childhood development (ECD) services benefitting 20,172 children under 5 years old, including 4,000 HIV-exposed infants, by layering stimulation activities on to eMTCT services provided by clinical partners.

Improved agency and protective assets among adolescent youth

Fist infographic
Built GBV/HIV prevention skills of 53,000 adolescents who have led or participated in campaigns to improve safety in schools, communities, and families

Reduced sexual violence risk for 5,018 adolescent girls by improving their agency and self-defense knowledge through “No Means No” sexual violence prevention programming.

Sexual Reproductive Health Infographic

Prevented school dropout of 6,702 adolescent girls through scholarships, social asset-building, parenting, positive gender norms messaging, and household economic strengthening

Improved adherence and resilience for 2,141 adolescents living with HIV through our Peer Support Plus parenting, economic strengthening, and ART treatment literacy.

Strengthened HIV-and violence-prevention and response systems

Partnerships Infographics

Established bi-directional clinic and community referral mechanisms with 258 facilities and 3,200 health and community cadres

Developed the capacity of five CSOs to deliver high quality, integrated services within a referral network and national HIV-sensitive case management system

Media Infographic

Strengthened local government systems across 23 districts to improve accountability, resources, and capacity to coordinate and deliver layered child protection services

Leveraged technology by partnering with MTN Uganda to develop a Closed User Group phone network linking 3,200 community and district cadres for timely response and follow up on urgent child protection and HIV-related issues


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