SAFE Program

Mobilizing students, teachers, families, and communities to challenge harmful social norms and reduce violence against children in schools and communities.







The SAFE Program operates within Western Uganda, strategically encompassing regions known for their distinctive socio-cultural dynamics and developmental needs. This program serves as a cornerstone for community empowerment and holistic advancement in the districts of Bunyangabo, Kabarole and Kyenjojo.

The Safety At all time For Every child (SAFE) Program aims to establish secure and nurturing environments for children within schools and communities across Western Uganda. Employing a comprehensive approach, SAFE engages communities to combat violence against children (VAC) by promoting resilience and fostering positive relationships, recognizing the collective responsibility of society in safeguarding children from all forms of harm.

Through strategic platforms and implementation strategies, including community engagement, capacity building, school-based interventions, community interventions, and system interventions, SAFE addresses various facets of VAC. Key interventions such as Sexual Abuse Prevention and Response Training (SAPRT), Grass Roots Soccer Clubs (GRS), Girl Talk Sessions, Boys Engage, Positive Parenting, Economic Strengthening and Skilling, and establishment of Child Well-Being Committees underscore the program’s multifaceted approach. Cross-cutting interventions like social and behavior change, social mapping, and psychosocial support further enhance its impact. Stakeholders ranging from national ministries to district local government authorities and community-based organizations play pivotal roles in SAFE’s success.

Notable achievements include improved responsiveness to VAC cases, strengthened referral pathways, and empowerment of caregivers and teachers. Valuable lessons learned include the transformative effect of teacher training, the multiplier effect of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), and the importance of inter-structural collaboration.

Guided by its Theory of Change, SAFE aims to empower children, enhance parenting practices, create safer environments, and strengthen accountability mechanisms to ultimately reduce child sexual abuse and violence. Looking ahead, the program seeks to scale up its impact through a district-led approach, aiming to integrate its principles into local governance structures for sustained progress and impact.