Bantwana’s Global AIDS Response Activities – IAS 2022
Welcome IAS 2022 participants!
Thanks for visiting this page of relevant Bantwana resources relating to strategies for last-mile coverage and HIV epidemic control as well as essential economic strengthening initiatives and our core capacity-strengthening work with civil society and governments.
To learn more, click on any of the following resources.
Bantwana’s Strategies to Achieve the 95-95-95 Goals
Mozambique: Improving the HIV Continuum of Care for OVC
Malawi: Scaling up Layered DREAMS Interventions
Malawi: Improving Treatment Outcomes for OVC
Uganda: Reaching Beyond the Clinic
- Improving HIV Service Uptake and Treatment Outcomes for Children
- Improving Treatment Outcomes for HIV-Exposed Infants
- Improving Pediatric Viral Load Suppression
- HIV-Sensitive Case Management Job Aids
Bantwana SIYAKHA: Economic Strengthening for Adolescent Girls & Young Women
Siyakha Regional Economic Empowerment Initiative in East and Southern Africa
Malawi: Changing Lives and Livelihoods
Mozambique: Scaling up Siyakha
Capacity Development / Technical Assistance Partnerships
Bantwana’s Approach – An Overview
Bantwana Zimbabwe: Local Affiliate
Malawi: Ana Patsologo Activity (APA) Project
Mozambique: Local Partner Capacity Strengthening
Uganda: Integrated Children and Youth Development (ICYD) Activity
Have questions or want additional resources? Feel free to email us at bantwana@worlded.org.
Be sure to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all our latest activities and resources: @thebantwanainitiative on Facebook, @BantwanaOVC on Twitter, and @bantwanaovc on Instagram.