Bantwana Resources for CIES 2023

Welcome CIES 2023 participants!

Thanks for visiting this page of relevant Bantwana resources relating to strategies for early childhood development, child rights & protection, confronting school-related GBV, and preventing and responding to school dropout. Explore our website further to learn about our full breadth of projects and interventions, which address the following technical areas: OVC service delivery, health and HIV prevention/response, economic empowerment, systems strengthening, adolescent girls and young women, social protection, and education.

To learn more, click on any of the following resources.





Have questions or want additional resources? Feel free to email us at

Be sure to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all our latest activities and resources: @thebantwanainitiative on Facebook, @BantwanaOVC on Twitter, and @bantwanaovc on Instagram.